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Shi -Vaughn Lee, Howard University- c/o 2017, Biology

Shi -Vaughn Lee, Howard University- c/o 2017, Biology

Name : Shi -Vaughn Lee

HBCU : Howard University

Graduation Year : 2017

Major : Biology


Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*

Born and raised in Bermuda.

The Beauty of Bermuda | Image Credit: Shi-Vaughn Lee
The Beauty of Bermuda | Image Credit: Shi-Vaughn Lee

Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*

I have had family attend HBCUs.

I have been educated in pre-dominantely white schools since I was 12. I wanted a change and wanted to be around people of my own kind.

[Were your guidance counselors knowledgeable about HBCUs? If not, where did you get all of your information from about the HBCUs you were thinking of attending?]

Somewhat, however I did many of the research on my own, online, as well as ask family members who I knew had attended an HBCU in the past.

(I chose) Howard University!!

I decided Howard because it was ranked high out of the HBCU choices and also because Howard provides a dual program to become a doctor in a minimum of 6 years in contrast to the traditional 4 year undergrad followed by 4 year med school.

Shi-Vaughn at her high school graduation en route to the Esteemed Halls of Howard University | Image Credit: Shi-Vaughn Lee
Shi-Vaughn at her high school graduation en route to the Esteemed Halls of Howard University | Image Credit: Shi-Vaughn Lee

What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*



"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*



Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*



What sports and/or extra curricular activities did you do in High School? And why?

Netball, Piano, and Volunteering at the Bermuda Hospital


What is your major? and Why did you choose it?

Biology is my major as it will become the foundation to my future in becoming a doctor.


What advice would you give high school students filling out college applications for the first time?

I would advise that you;
1. Attain the highest grades possible in each class in your junior year, as those are usually the transcripts that decide your university choices’ admission decision.
3. Don’t apply everywhere, research plenty, have a top choice, apply early and you should be successful!


What courses are you taking in high school in preparation for college? (Honours, AP, IB, electives, etc.)

[How would you describe your high school experience and environment?]

My high school was culturally different and had a high academic standard. I went to predominantly white private schools with people of all sorts of backgrounds.
Being in this environment has challenged me to become more open-minded and strive for excellence to live life comfortably.

[What was your GPA? ACT, SAT, etc. scores?]

I took the SAT once and gained 1500. Standardized test scores are not stressed in Bermuda as they are in America.

However, I was enrolled in the International Baccalaureate programme, an English system which can reduce college time if certain grades are attained in Higher Level classes.

[When did you send your application to the HBCU of your choice?]

Early action submitting my application by November

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