Riah L. Williams, Kentucky State University- c/o 2013, Social Studies Education

Name : Riah L. Williams
HBCU : Kentucky State University
Graduation Year : 2013
Major : Social Studies Education
Minor : Creative Writing
Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*

Frankfort, Kentucky ‘s Floral ClockImage of Kentucky State University Band Courtesy of Black College TV
Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*
I decided I wanted to join the KSU family for three reasons. Reason #1: They offered me the most money. Reason #2: They stayed on me about getting my documentation in. Reason #3: Since I am from D.C., it would give me the opportunity to experience a totally new place.
What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*
Kentucky State University is the smallest school in the state of Kentucky and one of the few in the area with Central State and Wilberforce being about 2hrs away and Tennessee state, 3hrs away. With that said, I get to experience amazing diversity in that I’ve met people from and gone to cities like Chicago, Il, Cincinnati, OH, St. Louis, Missouri, and Indianapolis, Indiana.
Even in all of its rich cultural diversity, the students at Kentucky State have maintained a close knit family kind of appeal. I’ve been able to really spread my wings and soak up all that the University has to offer. I am a proud member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc.,. I was a part of the Mighty Marching Thorobreds.
I am an executive board member of our wonderful Student Government Association, and I’ve had the pleasure of welcoming new and prospective students as a Student Ambassador. I’ve met GREAT, genuine people. I’ve had the worse and best times of my life. I’ve met and lost my first love. I’ve traveled to so many different cities, that people back at home may never be able to visit. There’s always a new dance. There’s always something new that the campus community is laughing about.
"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*
First love. First heart break. First time ever being away from my mom for longer than a week. First real road trip. First apartment.
Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*
Mr. Offutt and Dr. Pearson. Mr. Offutt because of his honesty, he is always honest about everything! Dr. Pearson, because of her dedication. She stays on me about my studies, but she is also understanding and flexible, which shows me how much she respects and cares for me.

Image Courtesy of CMW Inc.
What sports do/did you play at your HBCU? What positions?
What sports and/or extra curricular activities did you do in High School? And why?
Best restaurants on/near campus? Best dishes?
Everybody goes to Applebees for Happy Hour throughout the week, because they have ½ priced appetizers. A home cooked meal with friends is my favorite. Fried chicken and macaroni and cheese to be exact.
College crush?
Good question.
Who invited you to interview with us?
Your wildest moment at college?
What is your funniest college story? (everyone has one lol)
Ghost stories involving buildings or spots on campus?
Not that I know of.
What is your major? and Why did you choose it?
Social Studies Education, because in order to promote equality and justice, one must understand the ways of the world as it relates to location, politics, social environments, and history. It’s important to be able to share this knowledge with others. My minor, creative writing: I love to write, why not have a degree in it?
What to date has been your proudest moment @ Your HBCU?
The day I became a member of the Prestigious Lambda Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Where are the spots to go to if you wanted to cuddle with your boy or girlfriend?
More than likely, your dorm room or your apartment.
What are the chants heard most often at the sporting events?
K here we go! here we go! S come on! come on! U ! Keep it going! Keep it going! K-S-U we rooock this hooouse whoo! We rock this hooouse whoo! We rock this hooouse Whoo! KSU and Siiiit doooowwnnnn…..
How are you positively active on campus? (e.g. clubs, SGA, etc.)
Second Vice President : Student Government Association | President: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated | Student Ambassadors | Tutor
Where is the “yard” located?
Right in front of the Student Center.
What and where are the historical places on campus?
The most historical place on campus is Jackson Hall. It was the very first building on campus. During the school’s founding, it was the school, and it’s still standing. Beautifully, might I add.
What to date has been your saddest moment at your HBCU?
When I found out my grandfather died and I could not attend his funeral. But I know he’s looking down, smiling proud. ????
How did you overcome your nervousness about going to college?
I got involved in the band. It allowed me to embrace a faction of the university as well as become acquainted with a lot of different people at once.
I am a very, very proud member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated. Why? Because they’re the best! No, but seriously. I chose Sigma Gamma Rho because of the things they promote and stand for both nationally and chapter wise. Sisterhood. Education and Service. Although many people say all of them represent these things, and they do. There is no sisterhood better than ours especially on Kentucky State’s Campus. (biased, I know)
Category : Alumni
Kentucky State University

Students: 2,159
Under Graduates: 2,025
Post Graduates: 134 - Athletics: Kentucky State University competes as a member of the Division II Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Men's sports include baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, and indoor and outdoor track and field; while women's sports include basketball, cross country, indoor and outdoor track and field, softball and volleyball.
- Notable Alumni: Yingluck Shinawatra - 1991 - The 28th and first female Prime Minister of Thailand** Moneta Sleet Jr. - 1947 - Photographer for Ebony, won a Pulitzer Prize for his picture of Coretta Scott King at the funeral of Martin Luther King, Jr.** Davey 'Wiz' Whitney - 1953 - Former head basketball coach at Texas Southern University and Alcorn State University. One of the winningest coaches in HBCU basketball. Inducted into National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame** Whitney M. Young Jr. - 1941 - Former civil rights leader, educator and executive; former Executive Director who led the National Urban League through its most prosperous period; served many presidential commissions including as a Vietnam elections observer in 1967**
Website: http://www.kysu.edu/
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