Lannie Smith, Fisk University- c/o 2014, Sociology
Name : Lannie Smith
HBCU : Fisk University
Graduation Year : 2014
Major : Sociology
Email : Fisk.lannie@gmail.com
Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*
I was born and reared in Nashville,Tn. My mother graduated from Tennessee State University. From attending the various events such as homecoming and the TSU parade that is how I was introduced to HBCUs back in the day.

Mr. Smith taking part in a community based project with Tennessee State University | Image Credit: Lannie Smith
Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*
I did not even attempt to apply to an pwi. It was by choice of why I did not. I wanted to have the HBCU experience.
After attending Fisk Mini College Program (Summer Enrichment Camp 5-12 years olds) , under direction of the late Beth Madison Howse, in 2004. That camp left me inspired to attend Fisk.
I loved the professors and the beautiful campus at a young age just from attending the program. My senior year of high school while applying for schools and I decided to apply to Fisk from visiting a booth at the college expo.
I was also given the opportunity to stay on campus for prospect weekend in November of 2009 during homecoming. I saw all the students, campus life, and the family vibe. I knew this was the place just for me. That is why I chose Fisk.
What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*
Yes, Fisk a prestigious institution full of the most multi-liberal talented student’s. Moreover for my experience I got to become a well recognized student leader and most of all on the campus of Fisk University I got to know Jesus Christ for myself.
"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*
Being actively involved with SGA, buying text books, walmart trips 2am in the morning, member of all male organization, and community tutor was my “firsts” at college.
Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*
While attending Fisk Mini College Dr. Reavis Mitchell was one of my professors and he currently is. While in mini college he always stated,”he hopes to still be living once we become bright Fiskites.” By the grace of God he is still here.

C100 Bros making Fisk University proud! | Image Credit: Lannie Smith
Best restaurants on/near campus? Best dishes?
Knock Out Wings & Sonic. The biscuits from knock out wings are great.
College crush?
I am married to my High School Sweetheart, Lucinda.
Ghost stories involving buildings or spots on campus?
There are no ghost stories that I know of.
What is your major? and Why did you choose it?
I am sociology major. I chose this major because this was the closet major to social work that Fisk offered.
What to date has been your proudest moment @ Your HBCU?
I must say my proudest moment was in March 2011. I was elected sophomore class president.
Where are the spots to go to if you wanted to cuddle with your boy or girlfriend?
Im not sure if I should share this (just joking). While dating most couples go to the steps behind Cravath Hall.
What are the chants heard most often at the sporting events?
FIS-KUNI-VERS-ITY FISK FOREVER! Alma Mater is not a chant but at the end of every sporting event it is sung.
How are you positively active on campus? (e.g. clubs, SGA, etc.)
I have always been involved with student government. I am a proud member of Collegiate 100. Outside the walls of my school I am always representing and promoting Fisk to the best of my ability.
Where is the “yard” located?
The “yard” is located in the center and most common usage part of campus.
What and where are the historical places on campus?
Our entire campus is historic. Most of our buildings are listed under the historic listing site for the state of Tennessee.
What to date has been your saddest moment at your HBCU?
The passing of Ms. Beth Madison Howse.
What is your process when you are going through a hardship that you have never faced before?
I just pray!
How did you overcome your nervousness about going to college?
This is a great question. During the summer before my first semester. I went to talk to Ms. Campbell in the office of Admissions. I was over there too nervous about the college courses. She gave me advice and told me I will do just fine. I left there empowered and encouraged.
Are you a member of a fraternity?
In this season I chose not to pledge.
How did your HBCU prepare you for a diverse workplace?
My HBCU is not as diverse as I would like for it to be. However we have a diversity. I tend to work well with all groups of people.
What advice would you give high school students filling out college applications for the first time?
Don’t forget about Fisk when applying for college applications. Also if you don’t have a good gpa still apply. Just apply you will be surprised that the kind of doors he will open. If he did it for me he can do the same and more for you.
Describe a situation from your life where this proverb came to life or occurred “The person who grew up without correction will find his mouth slipping instead of his foot.”
We fall down but we get up. We have to get up sooner we cant keep on letting ourselves marinate in our own mess.
How did your HBCU help you to transition into your careers workforce?
Through its service learning, internships, and work study opportunities my HBCU helps me with that transitions.
Category : Alumni
Tags : Fisk University, 2014, sociology
Fisk University

Students: 700+
- Athletics: Fisk University is part of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Division I level, primarily competing in the Gulf Coast Athletic Conference (GCAC). Men's sports include basketball, cross country, tennis and track & field; women's sports include basketball, cross country, softball, tennis, track & field and volleyball.
- Notable Alumni: Nikki Giovanni - 1967 - poet, author, professor, scholar** Otis Boykin - 1942 - Inventor, control device for the heart pacemaker** Gregory "DJ GB" Byers - 2013 - DJ, Producer** William L. Dawson (politician) - 1909 - U.S. Congressman (1943–1970)** Charles Diggs - United States House of Representatives Michigan (1955–1980)** Rel Dowdell - 1993 - Acclaimed filmmaker** James J. Durham - 1880, 1885 - Founder of Morris College** Venida Evans - 1969 - Actress, best known for IKEA commercials** John Hope Franklin - 1935 - Historian, professor, scholar, author of landmark text From Slavery to Freedom** Esther Cooper Jackson - 1940 - Founding editor of Freedomways Journal** Leonard Jackson (actor) - 1952 - Actor, Five on the Black Hand Side; The Color Purple** Matthew Knowles - 1973 - Father and former manager of Beyoncé, founder and owner of Music World Entertainment, and adjunct professor at Texas Southern University** Hon. Hazel O'Leary - Former U.S. Secretary of Energy** Alma Powell - Wife of Gen. Colin Powell** Margaret Murray Washington - 1890 - Lady Principal of Tuskegee Institute and third wife of Booker T. Washington** Ida B. Wells - American civil rights activist and women's suffrage advocate** Frederica Wilson - 1963 - U.S. Representative for Florida's 17th congressional district**
Website: http://www.fisk.edu/
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