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Katrice Walker Clopton, Paine College- c/o 2004, Social Science

Katrice Walker Clopton, Paine College- c/o 2004, Social Science

Name : Katrice Walker Clopton

HBCU : Paine College

Graduation Year : 2004

Major : Social Science

Email :


Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*

I am from Burke County, Waynesboro, Ga. I was introduced to Paine College by my 12th grade DCT teacher Mr. Harrison Simpson, who told me I should consider attending a HBCU.

Katrice Walker Clopton, Paine College- c/o 2004, Social Science

Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*

At the time, I wanted to be closer to home and attend a college where I was known as a person by name and not a number.


What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*

My experience at my HBCU was definitely one to remember. It helped shape and mold me into the woman I am today.

I was taught valuable morals and life experiences by attending Paine College. I was also taught to advocate for myself during these times that were very useful in stepping out in the real world. My HBCU experience felt like a family that wanted the very best for you.


"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*

My first time experience at an HBCU was being around different people from different backgrounds. We had students from up North, Westside, Eastside, The South, and even Africa and Hawaii. I was around different cultures and we learned a lot from each other.

Katrice Walker Clopton, Paine College- c/o 2004, Social Science

Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*

I will never forget Dr. Mohanty. He taught me to always reach for the stars. He pushed me even when there were times I didn’t want to be pushed. He believed in me more than I even believed in myself at that time.


Are you a member of a sorority?

Yes. I am a member of the prestigious Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated. Fall 2002, Paine College, Delta Omicron Chapter, Augusta, Ga.

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Entrepreneur? Tell us about your business.

I own a Successful home-based business K Clopton & Co. through Paparazzi Accessories, where I sell and share $5 jewelry and train and teach others to do the same. I am an Elite Jetsetter and multi 6 figure earner.

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