Justice Blanchard, Tennessee State University- c/o 2017, Criminal Justice

Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*
I’m from St. Louis, MO... I knew I always wanted to attend a HBCU. I had a cousin who attended TSU who talked me into applying.

“This is for my #1 supporter in heaven!! Thank you Mommy for everything! I love you!” | Photo Credit: Myles.Hi Photography
Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*
Through grade school and highschool I attended predominantly white school, I wanted to choose an HBCU because I wanted to be around more people like me.

“Issa Tennessee State Graduate!!” | Photo Credit: Myles.Hi Photography
What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*
EPIC, If I had to choose to do undergrad again Tennessee State would still be my top pick.
"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*
My first time experience was at a kickback “SET” is what they call it here at TSU was when the entire school basically fit into this brown house at the end of the street. It was so hot and you couldn’t really move you would have thought the floor was going to cave in. Just a lot of music and college students. So much fun!
Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*
Dr. Webb from my Pyschology of Black experience class. He was real chill and laid back and gave me a different perspective about being black in today’s society.
What to date has been your saddest moment at your HBCU?
I got the phone call that my mom died... September 2016 I wanted to give up but my mom was big on education and I knew I had to finish strong for her.
Category : Alumni
Tennessee State University

Students: 9,027
Under Graduates: 7,073
Post Graduates: 1,954 - Athletics: Tennessee State University competes in the NCAA's Division I Football Championship Subdivision and is a member of the Ohio Valley Conference. Tennessee State is the only Division I HBCU school who is not a member of the MEAC or SWAC. Tennessee State University offers Basketball, Football, Cross Country, Golf, Tennis, Track and Field, Softball, and Volleyball.
- Notable Alumni: U. L. "Rip" Gooch - Commercial Pilot (20,000+ hours) and Certified Flight Instructor; FAA-Designated Flight Examiner; Owner/President, Aero Services, Inc., Wichita, Kansas; regional distributor (Kansas and adjacent), Mooney Aircraft; Member, Wichita Airport Authority; Member, Aviation Advisory Committee, Kansas Dept. of Transportation; 1993 Kansas Governor's Aviation Honor Award; Inductee, Black Aviation Hall of Fame; Civil rights activist; Commissioner, Kansas Commission on Civil Rights;** Xernona Clayton - 1952 - Civil rights activist** Young Buck - Hip hop star** Oprah Winfrey - 1987 - Talk show host/actress/entrepreneur** Lee Summers - 1980 - Broadway Original Dreamgirls/actor/writer** Mark Funkhouser - Former mayor of Kansas City, Missouri** Harvey Johnson, Jr. - Mayor of Jackson, Mississippi** Dr. C. O. Simpkins, Sr. - Dentist in Shreveport, civil rights activist, and member of the Louisiana House of Representatives from 1992 to 1996** A C Wharton - Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee** Dorothy McClendon - American microbiologist who developed methods to protect stored goods, notably fuel, from degradation due to biological agents**. Chandra Cheeseborough - Olympic runner; gold and silver medalist** Robert Covington - 2013 - NBA Basketball Player** Sean Foley - Golf instructor to PGA Tour players** Ryan Fann - Paralympic Runner** Wilma Rudolph - Olympic runner; first woman to win three gold medals in a single Olympics**
Website: http://www.tnstate.edu/
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