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Jamie Patterson, North Carolina Central University- c/o 2002, Sports Management

Jamie  Patterson, North Carolina Central University- c/o 2002, Sports Management

Name : Jamie Patterson

HBCU : North Carolina Central University

Graduation Year : 2002

Major : Sports Management

Email :


Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*

I’m from Red Springs, NC. HBCU’s are a huge part of our culture in Southern NC. North Carolina has the most HBCU’s in the country.

Jamie Patterson, Proud Alum of North Carolina Central University NCCU | Image Credit: Jamie Patterson
Jamie Patterson, Proud Alum of North Carolina Central University NCCU | Image Credit: Jamie Patterson

Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*

NCCU is one of my family schools. 2 of my Uncles, my sister and I attended NCCU. So, it was at the top of my list.


What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*

Well, NCCU is known for the “Female to Male ratio” and that’s all I needed to hear. In my era, from 1995 – 2002, it was 17 females to 1 male.

I’ll take those odds everyday and I did. That fact alone will make any institution heralded.


"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*

I had quite a few “firsts”. My first love was Tajuana Greene. My first roadtrip was Freaknik 1995.


Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*

At NCCU, it was really “hands on” with the professors. They were always available for consultation. Dr. Rob Stifvater was the professor that helped me in undergrad and put me into graduate school.

“The “Career Services” staff certainly helped me achieve a dream…” | Image Credit: Jamie Patterson
“The “Career Services” staff certainly helped me achieve a dream…” | Image Credit: Jamie Patterson

Best restaurants on/near campus? Best dishes?

There were some spots around the 2 different malls in Durham, but, to date, no real good restaurants are close to NCCU.


College crush?

I had too many, but let me attempt to list who I can remember.


What sports and/or extra curricular activities did you do in High School? And why?

Football, Basketball, Track, Chorus, SGA, Boy Scouts, and Band.

I am a natural athlete and always wanted to go on trips. It was a perfect fit.


Ghost stories involving buildings or spots on campus?

The story goes that the Dr. Shepard statue will drop his books if a virgin graduates from NCCU.


What is your major? and Why did you choose it?

Sports Management. I love athletics and wanted to be involved in sports.


What to date has been your proudest moment @ Your HBCU?

Pledging Omega Psi Phi.

The mighTY Tau Psi Chapter.

#1 – FALL 1998 – The Notori9us


How are you positively active on campus? (e.g. clubs, SGA, etc.)

I was super active on campus. I was in each group I could get in.

Phi Beta Lambda
Omega Psi Phi
Worship and Praise Inspirational Mass Choir


Where is the “yard” located?

Really at the Greek Plots and the street in front of the student union.


What and where are the historical places on campus?

The Victory Bell, The James E. Shepard Statue, The Art Gallery, The Library bowl.


What to date has been your saddest moment at your HBCU?

I can’t say that I really had a “sad” moment. Breaking up with old girlfriends was sad, but only for a moment.


How do you deal with racism when you encounter it?

Laugh. How are you still insecure about race in 2013?


When and how did you discover your passion in life?

I was very lucky. A friend of mines from Duke University started a t-shirt company and asked me to be a part of it. That was in July 2004 and we’ve never looked back.

That passion is “business”. I can recognize a good deal. I understand what being fair is, and people know us for doing “good business”.


What's your take on life (in the philosophical sense)?

If you can remember that we’re on a blue rock floating through the sky…everything else is bullshit.

I enjoy my station in life. Everything, to me, is about timing and right now, it’s pretty sweet to be alive.


Are you a member of a fraternity?

*THEE Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

*Phi Beta Lambda Business Fraternity, Inc.

I pledged them both because I wanted to be apart of their legacies, impact campus life, and since I was younger, I knew I wanted to be one of the “purple guys”.


What was your saddest moment in your life to date?


What advice would you give high school students filling out college applications for the first time?

*PUT YOUR GUIDANCE COUNSELOR TO WORK!!! Don’t allow them to walk around looking busy and NOT work for you.

*Look for scholarships wherever you can find them.
*Start looking at schools as a High School Freshman.


If you could only speak two sentences to the youth coming after you what would you say?

Get your higher education, but more importantly, be ACTIVE at your university. Knowledge is a small part of the equation. People knowing YOU and YOU knowing different people will be the best part.

Attend any 4-year institution for the worth of your life. It is all about exposure and college will give so much worth to your life.

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