Iran Paylor, Bowie State University- c/o 2017, Mass Communications/Broadcast Journalism

Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*
I'm from S.W Washington DC, and I was introduced to HBCU'S from my cousin Monica Paylor. She worked at Howard University.

Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*
I selected an HBCU because I wanted to build a legacy with people of color.
What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*

"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*
There were a lot of "firsts" at my university if I was to name them you would be reading for days, but I was the first man in my family to attend college, the first Mr. Ivy at Bowie State, The first Mr Christa McAUlife, The first student Featured in Vogue, it was a lot of amazing 1st!
Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*
Wow, it's so many professors that really impacted my life at Bowie State University but one who stands above all is Dr. Shirelle Briscoe.
She made me feel like anything I wanted to do in life was easy. Her motivation and encouragement gave me the drive and confidence to tackle anything. She enlightened me on Greek life, student life and the basic ways to get ahead in college.
College crush?
Ok ... college crush, my college crush was very expensive because they were attending Delaware state and I was all the way in Maryland. I would drive down Deleware twice a week spend the night then speed all the way over the bay bridge in time for my 8:00 class smh lol
What is your funniest college story? (everyone has one lol)
My funniest college story is when three of my friends including me financial aid did not process. We all had to sneak and live in my best friend Jewel Parker's Dorm to still be able to go to class and make it to school. You couldn't have no visitation in this dorm "BOWIE PLACE" and you couldn't come in if you didn't have a residence ID card. So everyday to and from class we had to climb out the window and climb back in the window lol
What is your major? and Why did you choose it?
My major was Mass Communications/ Broadcast Journalism. I choose that major because I always wanted to be a writer. I wrote for the University Newspaper for two years and then I got into hosting, and event production. I later started my own entertainment modeling company titled MODELS INC
What to date has been your proudest moment @ Your HBCU?
My proudest moment was to be featured in Vogue America & Vogue Italy for my New York Fashion Week opening I choreographed for designer Gypsy Sport. My University Pr. Team sent it in a news letter form to everyone on campus and in the Bowie State data base. I was so proud!
Because of my notable work in Dc Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week & Mid West Fashion Week I was a mentor and advocate for the fashion Organizations on campus. I created a production called The HBCU FASHION BATTLE to support black fashion organizations on HBCU campuses. Each team competes and the winners receives $2000 towards there organization.
I also was The Aka's Mr Ivy scholarship winner & Mr Christa McAuliffe
What situation in your life made you feel like you had arrived into woman/manhood?
When i started paying for college out of my own pocket with no support, that's when I knew
How do you deal with racism when you encounter it?
I definitely deal with it head on most of the time by confronting the assailant or addressing them. But different environments call for different was to tackle the racism issue.
When and how did you discover your passion in life?
Honestly I am still discovering more passions in my life. I never had just one passion truthfully. I have a passion for creating, fashion, production, dance and just the overall want to help my African American people and watch them succeed and grow.
What advice would you give high school students filling out college applications for the first time?
I would tell them make sure you pick a university that has what you are interested in, also go on a college tour so you can feel the University out.
If you could only speak two sentences to the youth coming after you what would you say?
I would say
1. Know that your purpose in life is to love and help one another to be great, leave a legacy, and pay it forward.
2. Generation wealth is the key to bring our people up so we can stand on our own, focus on financial literacy and preparation because when anything hits you in life with those two things you will always be prepared.
Category : Alumni
Bowie State University

Students: 5,669
Under Graduates: 4,711
Post Graduates: 958 - Athletics: NCAA Division II**The Bulldogs compete as members of the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA)**Men's sports-Basketball, Cross country, Football, Track & Field**Women's sports-Basketball, Bowling, Cross country, Softball, Tennis, Track & Field, and Volleyball
- Notable Alumni: Olubowale Victor Akintimehin, attended 2004 but not graduated – rapper, stage name Wale**Toni Braxton, attended but not graduated – singer, songwriter**Towanda Braxton – singer, songwriter, and member of the singing group The Braxtons**Gwendolyn T. Britt, B.S. 2004 – Maryland State Senator**Delano Johnson – football player in the NFL and CFL**Henry Frazier, III, B.S. 1993, M.A. 1999 – head football coach at Bowie State University, Prairie View A&M University, and North Carolina Central University**
Website: https://www.bowiestate.edu/
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