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Dylan Turner, West Virginia State University- c/o 2020, Business Administration with a concentration in Management

Dylan Turner, West Virginia State University- c/o 2020, Business Administration with a concentration in Management

Name : Dylan Turner

HBCU : West Virginia State University

Graduation Year : 2020

Major : Business Administration with a concentration in Management

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Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*

I’m from Clinton Maryland. No one really introduced HBCUs to me. I just explored what the world had to offer, but HBCUs are what stuck out to me.

Dylan Turner, West Virginia State University- c/o 2020, Business Administration with a concentration in Management

Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*

I chose an HBCU because of the rich history they have to offer and the opportunities many don’t know that they provide.

There’s more to it though, there’s a sense of empowerment one gets when they are surrounded by people that you can relate to and that know the struggles you face intrinsically and extrinsically, and just seeing that culminating into people trying to achieve is such a great thing. I don’t believe I would have got that at a PWI.


What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*

My experience has been amazing, yes there were times where I wanted to quit, I’m human and we all have those.

Overall though I have grown so much in the four years I’ve spent at West Virginia State University. I remember my freshmen year I didn’t really know anyone and questioned if I made the right decision, to now being not only an active student, but an active student leader.

Dylan Turner, West Virginia State University- c/o 2020, Business Administration with a concentration in Management

"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*

There were a lot of firsts for me. I was introduced to Greek life; which now I’m a proud member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.

I experienced my first HBCU homecoming and also holding the position of Chief of Staff for student government.


Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*

I didn’t have any professors that impacted me, but two faculty members that really have helped me through my college years are Chris Jackson program coordinator for student activities and Trina Sweeney the director for student life and engagement.

They always keep it real and always mentored and guided me in the right direction. Always being there for me to talk to and vent any problems that I had.

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