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Dominique McDonald, Howard University- c/o 2014, Public Relations

Dominique McDonald, Howard University- c/o 2014, Public Relations

Name : Dominique McDonald

HBCU : Howard University

Graduation Year : 2014

Major : Public Relations

Email :


Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*

She didn't answer this one...keep on scrolling.

"The most known chant is definitely H-U…YOU KNOW! We have HOWARD, HOWARD, HOWARD, HOWARD U…THE REAL H-U…"
"The most known chant is definitely H-U…YOU KNOW! We have HOWARD, HOWARD, HOWARD, HOWARD U…THE REAL H-U…"

Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*

Howard has always been my first choice & I have always wanted to go there. I fell in love with the atmosphere & the opportunities at the school.


What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*

It hasn’t been easy, there have been a lot of ups and downs but I believe that’s what makes you a stronger and more focused person. I have met so many wonderful people whom I have grown to love. My HBCU Experience at Howard has really been amazing, I have learned so much about myself in different ways. My most favorite time so far is definitely Homecoming 2010 that alone was an experience in itself, one that I really enjoyed.

The Caribbean Carnival…it is such a wonderful experience especially since my family is Jamaican. I’m able to connect even deeper with my culture during this festivity which is beyond important to me. The music, food, outfits, etc.. Are amazing & it makes me so proud to be of Caribbean descent.


"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*

Keep onnnn answer to see here :(


Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*

I would have to say my Principles of Speech Professor simply because she is so young but the way she teaches seems like she has been teaching for years, she’s always there willing to help us reach our goals.


Best restaurants on/near campus? Best dishes?

The best thing on our campus is definitely Chic-Fil-A which is located in our Punchout.Students repping Chi-Town in the Punchout at Howard doing the Juke Slide – looks fun!

Restaurants near campus I’d have to say Chipotle and I always get a Chicken Bowl with rice, lettuce, cheese, corn & onions with lots of Hot Sauce.

Also, we have a Fridays, Potbelly, IHOP & Ruby Tuesdays close by as well as many more restaurants I just haven’t discovered yet but have seen them.


College crush?

N/A have a boyfriend


Ghost stories involving buildings or spots on campus?

Not to my knowledge no.


What is your major? and Why did you choose it?

Public Relations. I chose it simply because I am a social person and I want to be the one to help people/companies get to the top by advertising them and helping the present the proper image.


What to date has been your proudest moment @ Your HBCU?

My proudest moment would have to be completing a full semester in all honesty because many people do not do that for whatever reason so to me that was a big achievement for me.


Where are the spots to go to if you wanted to cuddle with your boy or girlfriend?

Well my boyfriend is back home in New York so I’m not too sure but I mean there is always your dorm room, there are many restaurants out in Downtown DC (<– links to free things to do in DC) as well as Movie Theatres so I mean any one of those as well as Columbia Heights which have some places the two of you could go to.


What are the chants heard most often at the sporting events?

The most known chant is definitely H-U…YOU KNOW! We have HOWARD, HOWARD, HOWARD, HOWARD U…THE REAL H-U…

We just recently created a new sports group which helps support all 19 sports at HU called Blue Crew (Join the Blue Crew) which comes up with many different chants but those two are the most known.


How are you positively active on campus? (e.g. clubs, SGA, etc.)

I am involved in the HU Blue Crew which I mentioned earlier, the Caribbean Student Association as well as the New Yorkers Unlimited Club.


Where is the “yard” located?

Our Yard is located in the middle of our campus, you can’t miss it.


What and where are the historical places on campus?

In all honesty I am not too sure about that.


What to date has been your saddest moment at your HBCU?



How many “firsts” have you had at college ? What are they? (e.g. first road trip, first job interview, first love, first “F or A”, etc.)

No firsts at college lol I have experienced all of them in High School.


How did you overcome your nervousness about going to college?

I made myself social and got out there and met people, being cooped up in your dorm room worried doesn’t help you overcome anything so I stayed in touch with my mom the first few weeks and got some words of encouragement which helped me along the way.



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