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Cole Klubek, Lincoln University of Pennsylvania- c/o 2020, English

Cole Klubek, Lincoln University of Pennsylvania- c/o 2020, English

Name : Cole Klubek

HBCU : Lincoln University of Pennsylvania

Graduation Year : 2020

Major : English

Email :


Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*

I’m a military brat so I moved around a lot but I grew up in Biloxi, Mississippi. I watched a lot of college sports growing up, but it wasn’t until Alcorn State played at Mississippi State before I researched HBCU’s more.

Lincoln at Delaware State
Lincoln at Delaware State

Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*

I had a lot of black mentors who shaped me into the man that I am. Choosing an HBCU over a PWI for me was a way to pay homage to all of them.

I wanted to show the younger generations of POC that there are people out there that look like me and care about them without even knowing who they are.


What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*

The Lincoln University is the first degree granting HBCU. My time at LU was spent catching up on Black history and arts that were not taught to me during my adolescent education.

What better place to do it than the school of Thurgood Marshall and Langston Hughes?


"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*

I spent ten years in the Air Force before attending LU.

To go from active duty to being a civilian student took a while to adjust to. My first class experiences were intimidating because I knew there was a lot I wanted to share, but didn’t know if my voice would’ve been received the way I intended.

My first football game was at home against Fayetteville State. My first win was at homecoming against Elizabeth City. Both of which I’ll never forget.

Senior Day 2019
Senior Day 2019

Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*

I think the majority of the English department at LU is simply phenomenal.

Dr. Hoogeveen had me as a student my first year at LU and convinced me to switch my major to English from Environmental Science.

Dr. Deas really shaped my writing style and broadened my knowledge on Black writers. Without her constantly critiquing my senior thesis, but making me figure out the changes, I don’t think I’d be going to grad school this fall.

Dr. Gamie introduced me to works of art from North Africa and the Middle East. She also hired me as a tutor for the WRC which was an incalculable experience that I needed.


What sports do/did you play at your HBCU? What positions?

I was the starting punter and kicker for LU for the 2018 and 2019 seasons.


Sports accomplishments in high school? at your HBCU? (records, medals, articles, et cetera)

I have the second most punt yards at LU with 4,104 yards.

I was the 2018 season Unsung Hero award winner.

In 2019 I was named to the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Academic All Area team.

I was inducted into the first class of Chi Alpha Sigma student athletes at LU.

While in the Air Force I received the Air Force Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Air Force Achievement Medal, and Iraqi Campaign Medal along with other medals.

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