Cimani Robinson, Spelman College- c/o 2013, Sociology
Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*
Just like my great institution of Spelman I have a rich heritage connected with my story . I am a second generation Spelmanite and also have many relatives that did/do attend.
I always knew Spelman was the place for me because it has cultivated the women of my family and why not be like them as well as all the other greats that have and will come.
"I am a sociology major I chose this because I wanted to understand more about society and the people in it."
Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*
Not answered.
What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*
Spelman College since my first week as a freshwoman has shown me I made the right decision . From meeting a fellow Spelman sister from the 70’s or just being on campus I have experienced a sisterhood like no other.
No matter what reach of the state, or even the world you can always find a Spelman sister who will lend a helping hand , and guide you
"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*
No answer here :(
"She said “Spelman is only great because of the women who attend, and you are here so you already have what it takes to be and do well “."
Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*
My introduction to the Sociological Imagination professor Dr. Cynthia Spence expected professionalism and learning in class everyday.
I think what impacted me most about her is that she didn’t just care about our minds as it related to knowing the right answer or theorist , but she made the class apply them because now we had become more accountable for our social awareness.
Best restaurants on/near campus? Best dishes?
On campus I participate in several clubs such as The Environmental Task Force which is concerned with keeping Spelman and Atlanta green.
What is your major? and Why did you choose it?
I am a sociology major I chose this because I wanted to understand more about society and the people in it.
By learning this I have a perspective that others may never see by looking through the lenses of social problems and being the one who wants to resolve them with my work and daily interactions.
How are you positively active on campus? (e.g. clubs, SGA, etc.)
On campus I participate in several clubs such as The Environmental Task Force which is concerned with keeping Spelman and Atlanta green.
Also I am involved with The Granddaughters Club the oldest student organization on our campus which promotes Spelman’s history and traditions through its legacy students.
What and where are the historical places on campus?
Spelman’s most historic area would be the oval. Located in the oval are some of the oldest buildings and monuments . Including the arch which his traditionally only walked through as you graduate from Spelman symbolizing the move into greater service.
Also Sisters Chapel is the place where Spelman students congregate in times of happiness, sadness and fun, and it has been so since the earliest years of its existence.
What to date has been your saddest moment at your HBCU?
The saddest moment at Spelman was during my freshmen year. During this year we lost one of our own fellow classmates and it grieved the whole campus that all at once we all just saw the dreams of one of the people who had just began , just end.
Her death was not in vain though, because I believe this tragic experience made our class bond and really realize the importance and significance of our sisterhood.
How did you overcome your nervousness about going to college?
On move in day after all the boxes had been unpacked my freshman roommate and I talked about being nervous about school. Her mother stopped and said one statement to us both.
She said “Spelman is only great because of the women who attend, and you are here so you already have what it takes to be and do well “.
Category : Alumni
Tags : Spelman College, 2013, sociology
Spelman College

Students: 2,244
- Athletics: On November 1, 2012, Spelman College announced that it would be dropping all intercollegiate sports at the end of the 2012-13 academic year to promote healthy lifestyles amongst students. The vision is that with this change, students will implement these healthy practices in their home life outside of college.
- Notable Alumni: Phire Dawson - 2008 - "Barker's Beauty" on The Price Is Right** Esther Rolle - c.1942 - Actress, Good Times** Keshia Knight Pulliam - 2001 - Actress The Cosby Show, House of Payne** Tanika Ray - 1994 - Actress and television personality** Bernice Johnson Reagon - 1970 - Founder of Sweet Honey in the Rock; MacArthur Fellow; Professor Emeritus American University Curator Emeritus, Smithsonian Institution National Museum American History; National Humanities Medal; Heinz Award** LaTanya Richardson - 1971 - Actress (The Fighting Temptations, Losing Isaiah, Malcolm X) and wife of actor Samuel L. Jackson** Tayari Jones - 1991 - Author of Leaving Atlanta and The Untelling** Alberta Williams King - (high school) - Mother of Martin Luther King, Jr.** Bernice King - 1986 - President, SCLC, daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr.** Adrienne-Joi Johnson - 1988 - Actress "House Party", "Baby Boy"** Varnette Honeywood - 1972 - Creator of the Little Bill character** Nora A. Gordon - 1888 - Began the tradition of Spelman missionary work to Africa** Cassi Davis - 1988 - Actress House of Payne** Tina McElroy Ansa - 1971 - Author, Baby of the Family, Ugly Ways, The Hand I Fan With, and You Know Better**
Website: http://www.spelman.edu/
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