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Chasidy Hale, Voorhees College- c/o 2000, Criminal Justice

Chasidy Hale, Voorhees College- c/o 2000, Criminal Justice

Name : Chasidy Hale

HBCU : Voorhees College

Graduation Year : 2000

Major : Criminal Justice

Email :


Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*

Olanta, South Carolina. I think it was my guidance counselor.

Chasidy Hale, Voorhees College- c/o 2000, Criminal Justice

Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*

Honestly at the time I wanted to go somewhere I felt comfortable. Voorhees was in my home state but further enough away from home to where I felt independent.


What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*

I’m actually ashamed to admit that I took my experience for granted at first. Voorhees was founded by a “black woman” Elizabeth Evelyn Wright in 1897.

I can’t imagine the things she endured to give someone like me an education. Now, I appreciate any opportunity to tell anyone about my college experience.

Chasidy Hale, Voorhees College- c/o 2000, Criminal Justice

"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*

My first experience at Voorhees was probably in the yard. This was the area between the dorms where we would gather and socialize. This is where friends became friends sometimes for life.


Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*

I would say that all my professors were a great asset to me and I appreciate the love they had for their students.

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