Alexis Clark, Spelman College- c/o 2013, Psychology

Name : Alexis Clark
HBCU : Spelman College
Graduation Year : 2013
Major : Psychology
Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*
From New York.

"My proudest moment has been accomplishing my goal my sophomore year."
Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*
I decided to become a student at Spelman because it was my number 1 choice. The sisterhood is one of a kind. Coming from a family of all boys, a sister was well needed. I decided when I got the acceptance letter and thanked God for the faith I held on to.
What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*
No answer to read here - on to the next one.

Dolores Bradley Brennan, Ph.D.- Interim Vice Provost & Director of Undergraduate Research, Professor - Psychology
"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*
I had a few firsts. I got my first F, I was so upset. My parents wanted to kill me, but I didnt give up, I stuck it out, and it became an A by the end of the following semester.
Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*
No answer to read here - on to the next one.
What is your major? and Why did you choose it?
Psychology (Spelman Alum Psych. Majors) is my major. I was a Biology major and it didnt go well for me, and I realized I like to talk to people. As well as, figure out why they act a certain way, and I realized psychology would be a perfect major for me.
What to date has been your proudest moment @ Your HBCU?
My proudest moment has been accomplishing my goal my sophomore year. My goal was to get at least a 3.0 or above 2011 spring semester. I finished with a 3.2.
How are you positively active on campus? (e.g. clubs, SGA, etc.)
I was apart of the Mime Ministry for my freshman year and I plan to join again my junior year. I plan to join many other clubs this year as well.
Where is the “yard” located?
Some say its where Market Friday is located. Market Friday is where a lot of the vendors in Atlanta come out and sell their products. We also have a DJ. Its really interesting.
How did you overcome your nervousness about going to college?
I was never nervous to begin with. I always wanted to leave my home state which is NY and adventure out to another state for college.
After living here all my life, I knew I needed to be somewhere totally different. I had my family for support so I fit right in after they left.
Category : Alumni
Tags : Spelman College, 2013, Psychology
Spelman College

Students: 2,244
- Athletics: On November 1, 2012, Spelman College announced that it would be dropping all intercollegiate sports at the end of the 2012-13 academic year to promote healthy lifestyles amongst students. The vision is that with this change, students will implement these healthy practices in their home life outside of college.
- Notable Alumni: Phire Dawson - 2008 - "Barker's Beauty" on The Price Is Right** Esther Rolle - c.1942 - Actress, Good Times** Keshia Knight Pulliam - 2001 - Actress The Cosby Show, House of Payne** Tanika Ray - 1994 - Actress and television personality** Bernice Johnson Reagon - 1970 - Founder of Sweet Honey in the Rock; MacArthur Fellow; Professor Emeritus American University Curator Emeritus, Smithsonian Institution National Museum American History; National Humanities Medal; Heinz Award** LaTanya Richardson - 1971 - Actress (The Fighting Temptations, Losing Isaiah, Malcolm X) and wife of actor Samuel L. Jackson** Tayari Jones - 1991 - Author of Leaving Atlanta and The Untelling** Alberta Williams King - (high school) - Mother of Martin Luther King, Jr.** Bernice King - 1986 - President, SCLC, daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr.** Adrienne-Joi Johnson - 1988 - Actress "House Party", "Baby Boy"** Varnette Honeywood - 1972 - Creator of the Little Bill character** Nora A. Gordon - 1888 - Began the tradition of Spelman missionary work to Africa** Cassi Davis - 1988 - Actress House of Payne** Tina McElroy Ansa - 1971 - Author, Baby of the Family, Ugly Ways, The Hand I Fan With, and You Know Better**
Website: http://www.spelman.edu/
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