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Terrance Rodgers, Paine College- c/o 2019, Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing

Terrance Rodgers, Paine College- c/o 2019, Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing

Name : Terrance Rodgers

HBCU : Paine College

Graduation Year : 2019

Major : Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing

Email :


Where are you from? Who introduced you to HBCUs?*

I was born in Atlanta, GA and graduated from high school in Augusta, GA.

Terrance Rodgers, Paine College- c/o 2019, Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing

Why did you choose an HBCU over a pwi?*

I chose an HBCU for the rich heritage and years of producing black excellence that has excelled in every area of life.


What is the story of your "experience" at Your HBCU given its heralded status as a stellar and prestigious institution?*

My story in a few words is simple but impactful. My experience is one of forgiveness and second chances.

Being here I have learned what family really means, to hold each other up even on the days when you feel weak. I have had days where I wanted to give up and I felt like it was no longer worth it, but I kept pressing for my family both on and off the campus. To look past the faults of my brother or sister and push them to do and be better. That is my experience at my HBCU, one of love.


"First time" experiences at your HBCU?*

I was scared, this was something new for me. I was in an environment that I was not familiar with. I stayed to myself and locked in my room till I got involved. I ended up joining the choir and joining the Freshman Executive Board.


Who are the professors that have impacted your life in and out of the classroom? How did they do that?*

My choir director, Mr. Woodson, has encouraged and pushed me to be better than I was the day before and to never settle for anything else then excellence.

Our former Director of Student Activities, Ms. Cranford, who is an alum, helped show me and so many other students what the Paine College Lion way really was to be strong, fearless, and innovative.

Dr. McBride who is my Marketing advisor for the business department. He has taught me not to take what people say on the surface but look into it for yourself, and to always hustle because nothing will be given to you, it must be earned.

Terrance Rodgers, Paine College- c/o 2019, Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing

What is your major? and Why did you choose it?

My major is Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. I choose this major because I want to open my own logistics firm to help independent businesses and churches with their business structure and processes.

Many times I believe people in our community have great business ideas, but they don’t always have the right plan or support to make sure it lasts and is successful.


What to date has been your proudest moment @ Your HBCU?

My proudest moment to date has been last year when I had the opportunity to represent my college on a national level as the 19th Mr. Paine College. It was an honor that to this day that I don’t take for granted. I love my college and the students here, and would do just about anything for my PC.


How are you positively active on campus? (e.g. clubs, SGA, etc.)

I have served in a number of positions and clubs on campus. From the President of Creme De La Creme modeling society, Mr. Wesley Fellowship, the Business Manager of the Concert Choir, SGA Press and Marketing chief, Mr. Paine College, SGA 1st Vice President, and Business club.

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